Newark picture framer expands and relocates - Wright Vigar
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Craftsman Philip Stephenson is in the frame for a relocation move and further expansion.

Rising demand for the framer’s services is driving the business forward and we are delighted to congratulate Phil, who only launched Framin’ ‘Ell in Newark two years ago.

Phil has decided to mark the milestone by moving from the town’s Brunel Business Park to Fernwood off the A1 and, before long, he is hoping to take on an extra pair of hands to meet the growing number of requests for his services.

The framer, who served in the Army for 37 years, is getting approached to work on an increasingly diverse range of projects. While many customers want him to frame a favourite painting, prized photograph or perhaps a treasured piece of embroidery, others have more unusual requests!

“To date, these have included requests to frame sports shirts, coins from the Newark Civil War, musket balls and also ceramic flowers!” said Phil.

“I’m looking forward to moving because I will be more accessible for people travelling from the A1. I will be closing at my current premises on April 2 and re-opening at Balderton Hall, Fernwood on April 11. I am also hoping to take on an apprentice later this year,” he said.

Phil’s customers include anyone from art club members to serious art collectors.

More people are starting to realise that if they have invested money in a valuable painting or photograph, it needs to be professionally framed, to help retain its value.

But in recent months, Phil has also made a name for himself through his stylish mounting and framing of some of the hundreds of individual ceramic poppies which were originally on show at HM Tower of London and which were sold to support a variety of charities.

“To date I have framed nearly 50 poppies. I have also been doing them at cost because, with my service background, I am acutely aware of what they stand for,” said Phil.

Coincidentally, Poppies: Wave – is one of two sculptures from the installation

“Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” – a display of 888,246 poppies honouring the deaths in the British and Colonial forces of the First World War, is coming to Lincoln.

Excitingly, visitors to Lincoln Castle between May 28 and September 4 will get an opportunity to see this stunning artwork and the installation is expected to attract huge numbers of visitors.

Phil, who is a member of the Fine Art Trade Guild naturally takes a real pride in his work, but he also attends study events to ensure he stays up-to-date with developments in the framing world.  He has just received another accreditation certificate from the Guild.

Wright Vigar has advised the business from the outset, “They are like a smoke alarm for my business – always ready to offer support and advice and at the end of a telephone when I have any questions,” said Phil.

Wright Vigar Associate Director Paul Colcomb said: “We enjoy working closely with all of our clients, whatever the size and nature of their business, from creative enterprises to major agricultural and industrial companies.

“It is especially rewarding to see the growth of a fledgling or niche venture. A business which frames musket balls and ceramic poppies is certainly a first for us, and we wish Phil increasing success in the future.”



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