Tight on cash?

Managing cash flow efficiently is crucial for sustaining business operations. At Wright Vigar, we understand the challenges businesses face in handling receivables, payables and working capital. Our expertise in cash flow management is designed to alleviate these challenges and strengthen your financial stability.

Your questions answered

Optimising cash flow for financial stability

Our cash flow management solutions help you maintain a healthy financial position. We work with you to improve receivables, manage payables, and identify areas for cost reduction, ensuring your business has the liquidity it needs to thrive. 

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Efficient Receivables and Payables Management

We assist in streamlining your accounts receivables and payables processes, ensuring a balanced and steady cash flow to support your day-to-day operations.

Working Capital Optimisation

Our experts analyse your working capital needs, devising strategies to optimise cash flow, improve liquidity and enhance your business's financial resilience.


How Can I Improve Cash Flow?

Enhancing cash flow involves optimising receivables collection by incentivising prompt payments, negotiating favourable payment terms with suppliers, managing inventory levels efficiently and controlling operating expenses. Regular monitoring and proactive cash flow management are key to improving liquidity.

What Is Working Capital and How Do I Manage It?

Working capital represents a company's short-term operational liquidity. It's calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets. Effectively managing working capital involves balancing receivables, payables and inventory to ensure smooth day-to-day operations without excess funds tied up in non-essential areas.

Can You Help Me Forecast Cash Flow?

Certainly. Forecasting cash flow involves predicting future inflows and outflows using historical data, market trends and business plans. Various methods including direct cash flow forecasting and indirect methods, like the accrual accounting approach, can help businesses anticipate cash flow fluctuations.

Can You Help Me Implement Cash Flow Budgeting?

Absolutely. Cash flow budgeting aligns expenses with projected cash flows, ensuring funds are available to cover essential costs. It involves creating a detailed budget based on expected cash inflows and outflows, allowing businesses to manage expenses within available cash resources.

How Can I Manage Cash Reserves?

Building and maintaining cash reserves involve setting aside a portion of profits or income specifically for unforeseen expenses or emergencies. Strategies include regular contributions to a reserve fund, managing surplus cash wisely and adjusting reserve levels based on business needs and economic conditions.

What Financing Options Are Available for Cash Flow Emergencies?

Short-term financing options like overdraft facilities, lines of credit, invoice financing or merchant cash advances can help bridge cash flow gaps during emergencies. Each option has its terms, interest rates and repayment schedules, so it's essential to assess their suitability for specific cash flow needs.

How Can I Manage Cash Flow During Business Expansion?

Managing cash flow during expansion involves careful planning and monitoring. Strategies include securing additional funding before expansion, evaluating the timing of investments, optimising working capital and considering phased growth to control costs while scaling operations.

Transform Your Cash Flow Management with Wright Vigar

Transform your cash flow management with Wright Vigar. Experience our personalised service coupled with expert guidance, ensuring a robust and sustainable financial future for your business.

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