Louise Lane – Wright Vigar

Louise Lane

Associate Tax Director / Head of Crypto Tax

Senior Team


  • BA (Hons)
  • FCA
  • CTA
  • I would like to thank Louise for her excellent work over the last 10 months during a HMRC investigation into my Crypto tax returns over the last 4 years. My personal situation was very complex using multiple exchanges and platforms and there were many thousands of transactions. Louise liaised with HMRC on my behalf and gave me great advice and was a steady professional hand throughout the process. In the end there was a positive outcome with her calculations being accepted and the case closed. Recommend her services to anyone dealing with Crypto reporting.

  • I would highly recommend Louise Lane and her team of crypto experts at Wright Vigar.  Louise has been a trusted advisor for 4 years delivering tax advice on nuanced crypto activity, tax return preparation and HMRC Voluntary Disclosures.  She is a recognised and respected figure in the crypto space, she has a breadth of tried and tested knowledge and a large network of connections. My crypto affairs are incredibly complex, Louise was able to offer high quality advice; coordinating and driving a team which included appropriate legal and technical associates from her contacts.

    Crypto investor
  • Louise is always available and attentive to all my accounting needs. Not only is her work impeccable, but she's always willing to take the time to explain procedures and options. She always goes above and beyond. A definite lifesaver. :)

    Anonymous NFT Creator Ltd
  • Cryptocurrency transactions can be fiendishly complicated and difficult to track and report correctly, even with crypto tax reporting software, making the services of an accountant versed in crypto tax rules indispensable. Louise's knowledge in this regard, attention to detail and service generally has been excellent for the last several years of assisting me with my tax return.

    Crypto Investor (Retired Barrister)

About Louise Lane

Louise heads up our cryptoasset team and has experience advising a breadth of clients on a wide variety of cryptoasset tax and accounting matters. She trained with Grant Thornton and has been with Wright Vigar since 2004. Her career started in accounts and audit, before specialising in tax, giving her considerable broad experience across all taxes and accountancy matters.

Louise has specialised in cryptoasset accounting and taxation since 2018. Alongside advising her many cryptoasset clients, during this period she has worked closely with
Recap.io to:

  • Assist in developing Recap’s cryptoasset tax software
  • Write the Recap UK Tax Guide for Individuals
  • Liaised with HMRC regarding crypto tax uncertainties
  • Provide ongoing tax advisory assistance with further software developments

She has over 20 years’ accounting and taxation experience during which time she has advised a broad spectrum of clients, both individuals and businesses. These include large partnerships and companies (ranging from small owner managed companies up to £50m turnover groups). In addition to crypto services, she advises on income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax (including research and development claims); employment taxes (including IR35 and the off-payroll worker rules) and HMRC Investigations.

Louise has two young children, so her time away from work is spent mostly entertaining them.

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