COVID-19 Update – 12 October – Job Support Scheme extended
In order to help protect jobs and support businesses that have had to close as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, the government will be expanding the Job Support Scheme (JSS). Details on the scheme can be found here.
Under the expansion, businesses will now receive a grant to pay the wages of people who are unable to work due to the legal requirement that the firm’s premises are shut as part of a local or national restriction. Businesses will only be eligible to claim the grant while they are subject to restrictions and employees must be off work for a minimum of seven consecutive days.
Eligible businesses will receive a grant for two-thirds of each employee’s salary, up to a maximum of £2100 per month and employers will only have to cover NICS and pension contributions. There will be no requirement for employers to contribute to employees’ wages.
The scheme will commence on the 1 November and run for a total of 6 months, with a review in January.
In addition to this extension, the government will also be increasing the cash grants supplied to support businesses in local lockdowns with fixed costs. These grants will be linked to rateable values, with up to £3,000 per month payable every two weeks, compared to the up to £1,500 every three weeks which was available previously.