COVID-19 Update – 11 May – Requirements from 17 May - Wright Vigar
 In Advice, Blog, News

Following the announcement earlier this week we have summarised the key points worth noting below:

  • You should continue to work from home where possible
  • If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you should get a test and follow the stay at home guidance
  • COVID-secure measures will need to be in place for the reopening of indoor hospitality and entertainment venues. More guidance on measures will be made available from the Government.
  • Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 30 people and indoor gatherings will be limited to 6 people or 2 households
  • Organised indoor sport will be able to take place for all (this includes gym classes). This must be organised by a business, charity or public body and the organiser must take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission
  • Holiday accommodation will be open (including hotels and B&Bs). This can be used by groups of up to 6 or 2 households
  • The rules for care home residents visiting out and receiving visitors will change, allowing up to five named visitors (two at any one time), provided visitors test negative for COVID-19.
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