January 2017 Tax Tips & News - Wright Vigar
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Welcome to January’s Tax Tips and News, our newsletter designed to bring you tax tips and news to keep you one step ahead of the taxman.

If you need any further assistance just let us know.

Changes to the VAT flat rate scheme

Abolition of Class 2 NICs

Company cars: ultra-low emissions vehicles

Disguised remuneration and the self-employed

January question and answers

Q. I am thinking of renting out a small outbuilding that I own to a friend so that he can store his work equipment in it when he’s not using it. The rent is likely to be less than £1,000 a year. Will I have to declare this income to HMRC on a self-assessment return? My tax affairs are quite straight-forward – I am employed and currently I don’t need to send in a tax return.

Q. Several of my employees have expressed an interest in purchasing electric cars but have pointed out that as our office is situated in a remote location they will be unable to make their whole commute without charging. If the business pays for an electric charging point to be installed at the business premises, would capital allowances be available for the expenditure incurred?

Q.Ten years ago my husband inherited a share of his father’s property when he died as a joint owner with his partner. My father-in-law’s will specified that his surviving partner could continue living in the property for as long as she wanted. Both my husband and my deceased father-in-law’s partner are on the deeds for the property. The partner has recently died and the property is empty. Will my husband have to pay capital gains tax on his share when it is sold, even though he could not live there because the partner was in residence?

January key tax dates


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