Cycle ride smashes fundraising record - Wright Vigar
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A number of our sporting accountants racked-up some fantastic numbers for charity – by swapping their calculators for lycra and bikes!

An eight-strong team from Wright Vigar clocked-up more than 800 miles between them in this year’s challenging Castle-to-Coast-to-Castle (C2C2C) charity bike ride.

Wright Vigar takes a lead role in helping to organise the annual event, which attracts more riders each year, and this year was no exception with records being smashed and many cyclists boasting they had achieved a “personal best” time.

Best of all, the amount of money generated through entry fees, has also spiralled. This year, a field of about 450 riders made the most of a glorious day, taking to the county’s roads to wheel in a charity boost of around £18,000!

Three great local good causes are poised to benefit – the Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, St Barnbas Hospice and Sophie’s story.

Wright Vigar Director Jack O’Hern – who was spotted in a sea of racing cycles aboard his fold-up Brompton bike – said this had been the fifth time the ride had taken place and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

The Wright Vigar team had six riders, representing our offices in Lincoln, London, Retford, Sleaford and Gainsborough. They included two “first-timers” Joshua Bowden – who is based in Lincoln – and Beccy Sneath from our Sleaford office.

Jack got a few strange looks when he set off from the Lindum Sports Ground in Lincoln aboard his Brompton but, at the end of the day, he was still smiling!

“I don’t know whether Lincolnshire’s brilliant coup in bringing the British Cycling National Championship to the county had anything directly to do with the C2C2C attracting its biggest field of riders, but there was a great buzz. Here’s to the next event,” said Jack.

The Wright Vigar team included Jack O’Hern (Lincoln), Nathan Bowles (Lincoln), Jonathan Kerry (Lincoln/Sleaford), Beccy Sneath (Sleaford), Pete Harrison (Gainsborough) and Joshua Bowden (Lincoln).


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